Are Instagram Influencers Still Relevant in 2024?




Influencers have become ubiquitous in the social media landscape over the past decade. Instagram, in particular, has become a hotbed for influencer marketing, with popular users racking millions of followers and promoting products from big brands.

However, recently, some have questioned whether the era of the Instagram influencer is coming to an end. Sponsored content and #ads litter feeds, leaving some users feeling overwhelmed. New platforms like TikTok are also stealing attention, especially among younger demographics.

So, are Instagram influencers still relevant in 2024? Let’s take a deep dive into influencer marketing and find out.

A Brief History of Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing has existed for decades, but social media provided a new platform that allowed it to become famous. Brands realized they could tap into the loyal followings of popular users on Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, and other platforms to spread awareness of their products.

Initially, influencer marketing focused on a “cool factor.” Brands wanted to associate themselves with trendsetters and tastemakers with strong personal brands. Popular fashion and lifestyle bloggers were some of the first wave of Instagram influencers in the early 2010s.

As Instagram grew, influencer marketing became more polished and strategic. Agencies connecting brands and influencers emerged, and contracts became standardized. Rates were formalized based on follower count, engagement, and other metrics. Being an influencer became a viable business and career path.

By the mid-2010s, influencer marketing was ubiquitous and adopted by major brands and startups alike. A survey found that 75% of brands planned to dedicate a portion of their marketing budget to influencer campaigns in 2022. The industry is projected to grow to a $16.4 billion market by 2027.

Influencer marketing isn’t going anywhere. However, as we’ll explore, it is evolving to stay relevant in today’s social media landscape.

The Case Against Instagram Influencers

Influencers may seem inescapable on Instagram, but some argue their power and appeal is fading. Here are some of the main criticisms against Instagram influencers today:

  • Over-Commercialization and Declining Authenticity

Once filled with lifestyle content and behind-the-scenes looks, Instagram feeds are now overrun with #ads and promotions. The exact percentage varies, but research shows that influencers now derive most of their income directly from brand sponsorships.

Constant promotional posts lead to declining authenticity. Followers resent when their favorite influencers become “sell-outs.” Brand deals inherently restrict creators from sharing honest opinions and critiques.

Additionally, many influencers now use cookie-cutter templates for sponsored posts provided by brands. This results in repetitive, formulaic content instead of an authentic connection between the influencer and the product.

  • Follower Fraud and Fake Engagement

As influencer marketing has become big business, some influencers artificially inflate their follower counts through bots and buying fake followers.

Platforms like Instagram are getting better at detecting and removing inauthentic accounts. But misleading metrics still run rampant. A 2019 study by Points North Group found that 55% of influencers had inflated their follower numbers.

Some influencers rely on fake engagement generated through click farms and engagement pods. This makes their actual reach and impact unclear to brands.

  • Algorithm Changes

Instagram’s recent algorithm tweaks downrank influencer content in users’ feeds. Their posts now only reach a fraction of their followers. Additionally, Reels now get more visibility than photos or standard videos.

These changes mean lower organic reach for influencers’ branded content. Instagram wants users to see more content from their close connections, not endless advertisements.

  • Content Fatigue

With more than 500 million users daily, standing out on Instagram as an influencer is increasingly difficult. The novelty of beautifully curated feeds and #OOTD posts has worn off for many users.

Additionally, some observers criticize influencers for lacking creativity. Endless posts promoting products in the same poses and locations become stale and repetitive.

  • Emerging Platforms

Apps like TikTok and BeReal that emphasize short videos and authenticity at the moment are stealing attention. Younger generations flock to these platforms over “stale” Instagram.

The multimedia formats of TikTok lend better to influencer storytelling and creativity. Instagram Reels attempt to compete, but many see TikTok as the future.

Signs Instagram Influencers Are Still Relevant

However, it would be premature to declare the end of influencers on Instagram. They face new challenges, but influencer marketing still delivers results and will continue evolving. Here are signs Instagram influencers remain relevant:

  • Huge, Engaged Followings

Top Instagram influencers have tens of millions of followers. Micro and nano influencers have solid and engaged niches. Instagram has 1.5 billion monthly active users; these are substantial built-in audiences.

Influencers build communities that feel personal connections to them. Followers are invested and pay attention to what influencers post. Even with declining organic reach, they still trust influencers’ opinions.

  • Conversions And Sales

According to Nielsen, 92% of consumers trust recommendations from influencers over brands.

Several studies have found influencer marketing delivers impressive conversion rates. Rakuten Marketing found influencer content provides an 11X higher conversion rate than display ads.

Influencers are powerful when deployed correctly – promoting relevant products aligned with their brand and audience. Followers rely on them to discover new brands and products.

  • Cost-Effectiveness

Influencer marketing costs a fraction of traditional celebrity endorsements – $100 for a nano influencer post vs. $1 million for a TV ad with a celeb.

When done strategically with the right influencers, it provides a better return on investment than almost any other marketing channel.

  • Adaptability

The best influencers treat their channels like media businesses. They identify gaps in audience needs and interests and pivot their content accordingly.

Many influencers are shifting to focus less exclusively on branded content. They balance promotions with more educational and entertainment content. Those who adapt their strategy remain popular and relevant.

  • Specialized Knowledge and Authority

Micro and nano influencers, in particular, thrive by becoming authorities in specific niches. Followers turn to these subject matter experts for reviews, tutorials, and recommendations.

For example, food bloggers provide much more specialized knowledge than generic celebrity chefs. Fashion influencers highlight trends average consumers want to buy.

  • Multimedia Storytelling

Video content and Instagram Reels enable more dynamic storytelling. Influencers use these formats to showcase behind-the-scenes, share personality, and humanize their brand.

Short, entertaining, and educational videos thrive on Instagram. Influencers leverage them to build deeper connections beyond static photo content.

  • Going Beyond Instagram

Top influencers expand their brand across platforms, including YouTube, podcasts, and more. This diversification insulates them from fluctuations on any one platform.

Expanding beyond Instagram also enables long-form content with more details than possible in a static post or Reel. For example, YouTube allows monthly favorite videos and tutorials.

Essential Influencer Marketing Trends for 2023

Influencer marketing is shifting in response to the criticisms outlined earlier. Here are some of the top trends for brands to leverage influencers successfully in 2023:

  • Authenticity is King

Audiences can detect disingenuous influencer promotions from a mile away. Brands must vet creators carefully to ensure alignment and avoid force-feeding overly promotional campaigns.

Influencers should showcase products while retaining their unique creative style and tone. More natural integration wins over the obvious #ad templates.

  • Diversify Content

Influencers should balance promos with entertaining and educational content focused on their niche. Tutorials, shareable graphics, short-form video, and UGC perform well.

This content provides followers more value while indirectly promoting the influencer’s personal brand.

  • Leverage Micro-Influencers

Nano influencers with just 1,000 followers deliver better engagement rates and conversions for brands compared to celebrities with inflated vanity metrics.

Hyper-targeted niche and local influencers make promotions feel more authentic and personalized. They should be a core part of any influencer strategy.

  • Enable Storytelling

TikTok demonstrates the power of creative storytelling. Instagram Reels now enable similar possibilities.

Long-form narratives, ASMR, episodic content, and edutainment thrive in these short video formats. Influencers should take full advantage.

  • Behind-the-Scenes Access

Followers crave a peek behind the curtain at the natural person behind an influencer brand. Candid images, livestreams, Q&As, and vlogs perform incredibly well.

This authentic connection helps influencers stand out from overly curated, glossy feeds.

  • User-Generated Content

UGC in reposts, reaction videos, and reviews helps influencers appear more accessible. For example, highlighting followers’ unboxing PR packages makes them feel involved.

Brands should encourage UGC as part of influencer campaigns. Consumers trust fellow customers over ads.

  • Embrace New Platforms

Influencing emerging apps provides a fresh start to building an authentic brand. Early adoption also helps beat the competition.

However, abandoning Instagram altogether is risky. A strong multi-platform presence is ideal for maximum exposure.

  • IRL Events

After years of virtual brand activations, partnering on in-person events delivers a new thrill. Pop-up shops, conferences, classes, and parties enable face-to-face fan connections.

Events also lead to tons of shareable content and PR value beyond the exclusive attendees.

  • Evaluating ROI

Sophisticated tracking using unique codes and pixels enables brands to measure influencer ROI precisely. But be realistic – 2.5% conversion rates are excellent.

Focus beyond sales alone to awareness and sentiment metrics. Surveys can provide additional qualitative data on engagement.

The Takeaway

Instagram influencers are going nowhere but must adapt to stay relevant. Creativity, authenticity, and diversified content will be keys to success in 2024.

Influencers who rely solely on vanity metrics and repetitive promotions will continue to fall out of favor. However, those who build genuine connections and embrace multimedia storytelling have staying power.

For brands, micro and nano influencers deliver better returns. But vetting and designing compelling campaigns is crucial – partnerships should empower influencers rather than constrain them.

Instagram still offers massive reach, especially for those who leverage new video formats. However, a cross-platform presence is ideal for maximum impact.

Overall, influencer marketing remains an effective strategy. Influencers can drive awareness, enhance brand perception, and deliver strong ROI when done thoughtfully.


mandy b.
mandy b.
Founder, owner, writer & (coming up this summer)
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