

Top Influencer Trends to Follow in 2024.

Top influencer trends to follow in 2024. Are you an influencer, a blogger, YouTuber, Instagrammer or Tiktokker? Follow these trends and get famous. Video content and reels...

Influencer Kendall Jenner. How influential is she? She the best Jenner of both! More real is she.

The influence of Kendall Jenner. How much influence does she have? Is she the better jenner of them both? She is more real and not so...

Why is Demi Rose so famous and popular on the web? Is she a real influencer?

Demi Rose Mawby is a 27-year-old British model and social media influencer with over 20 million followers on Instagram in 2023. She rose to...

Why is Addison Rae so famous?Who is this influencer?

Addison Rae Easterling, better known as Addison Rae, is one of the biggest social media stars and influencers in the world today. At just...

Are Instagram Influencers Still Relevant in 2024?

Influencers have become ubiquitous in the social media landscape over the past decade. Instagram, in particular, has become a hotbed for influencer marketing, with...

Whats the difference between a blogger and influencer?

  So what is actually the difference between a blogger and influencer? Or are they kinda the same? Im a blogger, but also a bit of...

Is Fashion Week Open to the Public? Exploring the Access of Fashion’s Biggest Event

As a fashionblogger, influencer and little magazine I would like to get invited to unique edgy/tomboy shows and write about it.But I know its...

I got mad love for creating. Its like an obsession. The lifestyle of a creator!

I got mad love for creating and thinking of new things. Its like an obsession. I am always thinking of new things and I want...


India-Made Cosmetics Brands

Introduction India has a rich history of beauty and cosmetics that dates back thousands of years. From ancient Ayurvedic remedies to modern makeup brands, the...

Is Fenty Beauty Still Worth the Hype in 2024? An In-Depth Review

It's been nearly seven years since pop icon Rihanna launched her groundbreaking cosmetics brand, Fenty Beauty, in September 2017. The brand made waves for...

How Rich will the owner of Nike be in 2024?

In 2024, Nike remains one of the world's most iconic and successful sports brands, with a global presence and a loyal customer base. The...