Is Curiosity Important in Life?




Curiosity. It’s a trait that comes naturally to children, who seem to overflow with questions about anything and everything. But that innate sense of wonder and curiosity often fades as we age. We get caught up in routines and responsibilities. We usually stop asking “Why?” and “How?”. But what if curiosity is one of the most important qualities we can cultivate in life and our creative pursuits? What doors might an inquisitive mindset open?

As artists, curiosity is vital fuel for our imagination and originality. It drives us to explore new techniques, ponder new ideas, and see the world through fresh eyes. Beyond the studio, an inquiring outlook can enrich our lives in countless ways—from expanding our knowledge to strengthening our relationships to helping us grow as individuals.

In this post, we’ll dive deep into the power of curiosity and how to rekindle more of it in your life and art. We’ll look at:

Whether you’re stuck in a creative rut, hungry to learn new artistic skills, or want to embrace a more open and wandering approach to life – read on. It’s time to reawaken your curious inner child and discover how transformative a questioning mind can be.

The Curiosity-Creativity Connection

“The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its reason for existing.” – Albert Einstein.

It’s no accident that we often associate curiosity with creative genius. From Leonardo da Vinci’s tireless investigations into anatomy, engineering, botany, and beyond to Einstein’s thought experiments that reshaped our understanding of space and time – history’s most brilliant minds have almost always been insatiably curious.

But what is it about curiosity that enables creativity and innovation? At its core, curiosity is about openness – the desire to explore, discover, and learn. Rather than being content with the status quo, the curious person is always hungry for new knowledge, experiences, and perspectives. They’re willing to ask questions, challenge assumptions, and venture into the unknown.

For artists, this mindset is invaluable because the creative process is all about breaking new ground. Whether you’re a painter, photographer, sculptor, or designer, doing original work requires continually expanding your horizons—experimenting with new mediums, considering new concepts, and finding new sources of inspiration. The more curious you are, the richer the pool of raw material you’ll have to draw from in your art.

Additionally, curiosity is closely tied to some of the core skills that underpin creativity:


Curious people are keen observers, constantly taking in the details of the world around them. They notice the subtle interplay of light and shadow, the unique quirks of a stranger’s face, and the surprising beauty in everyday objects. For artists, this heightened perception is essential. The better you see what’s around you, the more you’ll have to work with when you pick up your tools.

Connecting ideas

A questioning mind constantly looks for patterns and relationships between seemingly unrelated things. This ability to find hidden connections is at the heart of creative thinking—whether it’s combining colors or forms in a striking new way or using metaphor to express a complex emotion. As Steve Jobs once said, “Creativity is just connecting things.”


Curiosity naturally leads us to approach challenges with an open and curious mindset; rather than being discouraged by obstacles, the interested person wonders if there might be a different way around (or through) them. They ask questions, consider new angles, and refrain from being boxed in by how things have always been done. In the studio, this translates to flexible thinking that allows you to push past creative blocks.

No matter how much raw talent you may have, no artist’s skills emerge fully. Mastering your craft—whether that’s figure drawing, landscape photography, pottery, or digital illustration—takes years of diligent practice and learning. It requires continually honing your techniques while seeking out fresh ideas and inspiration to incorporate into your work.

This is where curiosity becomes an artist’s most significant asset because a questioning mind naturally leads to growth. You’ll be intrinsically motivated to keep expanding your abilities and perspectives by staying inquisitive. Here are a few of the ways curiosity supports your development as an artist:

Technical skill-building

Curiosity drives you to dig deeper into the nuts and bolts of your medium. You might wonder how you can capture the sheen of metal in your painting, what would happen if you altered your clay formula, or how to achieve a particular effect in Photoshop. Rather than staying in your comfort zone, you’ll be inspired to seek new techniques through classes, books, tutorials, or your tinkering. Over time, this continual fine-tuning adds up to true mastery.


A curious mindset also leads you to explore other artistic disciplines outside your own. You may be a painter, but why not dabble in printmaking or try your hand at sculpture? Learning about other mediums inevitably influences and enriches your primary work, sparking new ideas about composition, texture, color theory, and beyond. Steve Jobs famously credited a calligraphy class he audited in college with inspiring the elegant typefaces that became a signature of Apple computers.

Conceptual depth

Technical skills alone don’t make a great artist—there also has to be something meaningful beneath the surface of the work. Here, too, curiosity is key. The more you follow your interests down the rabbit hole—whether that’s studying botany, Greek mythology, or quantum physics—the richer the brew of ideas you’ll have to flavor your art. Your diverse knowledge will lend your work new layers of symbolism and interpretation.

Stylistic growth

If you’re not careful, it’s easy to fall into artistic ruts, churning out the same types of pieces in the same signature style. Curiosity is an antidote to this kind of stagnation. By seeking out and closely studying a wide range of other artists’ work, you’ll continually consider new aesthetic possibilities. You might discover a color palette, brush stroke, or compositional approach you’ve never considered—one that evolves your style in an exciting direction.


No matter your medium, snags, and snafus are an inevitable part of the creative process. When you hit a wall, curiosity helps you find a way around it. Rather than throwing in the towel, you might wonder if there’s another technique or a different material that might do the trick. Like any dedicated scientist, you’ll experiment and tinker until you find a solution.

Of course, art isn’t just about skill – it’s about expressing something authentic. But by letting your curiosity lead the way, you’ll gain the rich inner world and finely-tuned abilities to bring those expressions powerfully to life.

How Curiosity Enriches Your Life Beyond the Studio

“The mind that opens to a new idea never returns to its original size.” – Albert Einstein.

As an artist, your curiosity will fuel your creativity and help you hone your craft. But its benefits continue. Adopting a more curious approach to life, in general, can open up whole new worlds of experience and meaning. It can make you more knowledgeable, adaptable, empathetic, and fulfilled. Let’s look at some of the myriad ways curiosity enriches your world beyond art:

Expands your knowledge

A curious person is a lifelong learner, always hungry to learn more about everything. You might dive deep into topics that pique your interest, whether that’s Ancient Egypt, existentialist philosophy, or urban planning. You’ll read voraciously, attend lectures, and start fascinating conversations with experts. Each new bit of knowledge will become a building block in your ever-expanding understanding of the world.

Enhances your problem-solving

Just as in art, curiosity serves you well when tackling all sorts of challenges. Faced with a complex work project or a perplexing relationship issue, the curious mind skips right over from frustration to fascination: What’s going on here? What are some other ways of looking at this? What haven’t I tried yet? This flexible mindset makes you resourceful and resilient in the face of adversity.

It makes you more adaptable.

In a world that’s changing faster than ever, curiosity is a critical ingredient in staying nimble. You’ll greet it with open arms rather than being thrown by the unfamiliar. New technology? Bring it on. Sudden changes at work? You’ll be the first to get up to speed. Foreign country and culture? You’ll dive in with gusto. Your inquisitive nature will make you calm in the face of flux.

Adds zest and novelty

Let’s face it – even the most charmed life can sometimes fall into ruts. But curiosity is a surefire way to keep things fresh and engaging. You’ll be more inclined to shake up your routine, whether taking a different route to work, learning to tango, or striking up a conversation with a stranger in line. Each day will hold the crackle of possibility.

Deepens your relationships

Curious people make the best friends, partners, and colleagues because they’re genuinely interested in others. Rather than dominating discussions or making snap judgments, you’ll ask many questions and listen to the answers. You’ll strive to understand people’s unique experiences and perspectives. This kind of sincere engagement is the glue of solid and intimate relationships.

Sparks personal growth

Ultimately, a curious approach enables you to keep evolving as a person. You’ll continually re-examine your own beliefs, habits, and goals—not in a judgmental way but with openness and interest. What other philosophies might resonate with you? What makes you feel truly fulfilled? What kind of person do you want to grow into? This continual reflection will help you live more authentically.

Of course, this kind of growth and enrichment takes ongoing work. Like a muscle, curiosity strengthens with regular use. So, how can you flex yours more often? Read on for some ideas.

Practices to Cultivate More Curiosity Day-to-Day

“Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to understand what you see and wonder what makes the universe exist. Be curious.” – Stephen Hawking.

You’re not alone if you feel your sense of wonder has dimmed over the years. It’s all too easy for curiosity to get smothered by the demands of daily life or fade in the face of information overload. But the good news is that curiosity can be rekindled and strengthened, regardless of age or circumstance. Here are some practices to fold more of it into your days:

Ask more questions

Curious people ask a ton of questions—and not just easy ones. Get in the habit of following up casually. “How are you?” with something more profound: “What’s bringing you joy these days?” “What have you been grappling with?” “Where do you see yourself five years from now?” Don’t hesitate to probe beneath the surface with people in a thoughtful, compassionate way.

Seek out the unfamiliar.

Another key trait of curious folks is their eagerness to step outside their comfort zone. Commit to trying one new thing each week – studying a few words in a foreign language, cooking an exotic recipe, exploring an unfamiliar neighborhood, or attending a meetup for a hobby you’ve always wondered about. Be open to discovering new flavors, sounds, ideas, and experiences.

Read widely

Books are gateways to almost limitless discovery, and curious people tend to be voracious readers. Make a goal of reading on a broad range of subjects – from history to science to philosophy to travel writing to fiction from different eras and cultures. If you need help figuring out where to start, ask your most exciting friends for recommendations or explore online reading lists compiled by experts.

Listen to understand

In conversations, practice really listening rather than simply waiting for your turn to talk. Aim to fully take in the other person’s perspective, even (especially!) if you disagree. Ask clarifying questions and reflect on what they’ve expressed to confirm you’ve understood. The point isn’t to debate who’s right but to open your mind to ways of seeing things you may not have considered.

Follow your interests down rabbit holes.

When you find your attention snagged by something intriguing, let yourself tumble down the rabbit hole. Look up related videos and articles, check out books on the subject from the library, and seek out people with expertise to ask about it. Your curiosity will likely lead you to make connections to other interesting topics—follow those trails, too. Relish the experience of learning for its own sake.

Pause to wonder

Curiosity needs space and stillness to thrive, which can be challenging in today’s frenetic world. Set aside time each day to be present and pay attention – whether going on a walk in nature, people-watching at a café, or contemplating the night sky. Allow questions and observations to bubble up without judgment: Why is that beetle so shiny? What’s that couple laughing about? How many stars are up there, anyway?

Embrace not knowing

In an age where we can Google any question and get an instant answer, it’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking we should have everything figured out. But genuine curiosity means getting comfortable with uncertainty. When you encounter something confusing or mysterious, resist the urge to reach for your phone. Instead, sit with the questions for a while. Ponder different possible explanations. Savor the experience of wonder.

Like any new habit, cultivating curiosity takes some discipline at first. But the more you practice welcoming it into your days, the more naturally inquisitive you’ll start to feel – and the more expansive your inner and outer worlds will become.

Channeling Curiosity Into Your Creative Process

“The creative adult is the child who survived.” – Ursula Le Guin

All of us are born curious – watch any toddler for proof. They’re unstoppable explorers, driven to investigate every corner of their world with all five senses. Everything they encounter is fascinating: that ladybug crawling through the grass, the crunchy texture of dry leaves, the way crayons make bright marks on paper.

That innate curiosity is the raw material of creativity. We delight in pure discovery and invention before we learn the rules and conventions of making art. As we get older, it’s all too common for that wide-open mindset to narrow. We become more focused on doing things the “right” or fret about whether our efforts are any “good.”

But the truth is, while craftsmanship certainly matters, art isn’t ultimately about perfection or other people’s approval – it’s about the joy and fascination of the process itself. It’s about letting your burning questions and interests lead you somewhere new.

Here are some ideas for tapping into your curiosity and steering it right into your creative flow:

Wonder about your subject matter

What about a particular landscape, person, or object captivates you? What questions do you have about it? Maybe you’re painting a portrait and are intrigued by the unique quirk of the person’s smile—where did that come from? Or you’re working on a story and start pondering what childhood experiences might have shaped your protagonist’s personality. Pursuing those curiosities through research or imaginative speculation will add rich layers to your work.

Experiment with your tools and materials

Explore other possibilities, even if you’ve established a signature style or medium. What would happen if you traded your usual paint for charcoal or ditched the guitar for a synthesizer? While something must be said for consistency, shaking up your toolkit occasionally will keep you limber and open to serendipitous discoveries. Some of the most striking artistic innovations have come from curious tinkering – think Andy Warhol’s silkscreens or the impressionists’ experiments with pure color.


mandy b.
mandy b.
Founder, owner, writer & (coming up this summer)
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