Why are people obsessed with money and power? Some deep questions today on a fashion & beauty blog.




I know this is a fashion, beauty and lifestyle blog/influencers magazine, but its turning more into a psychology/science magazine. A depth magazine on the market. Maybe I choose the wrong topics and fashion and beauty is not my world after all. Its superficial.

On the journey of getting to know and find myself I founded out there is not much depth in fashion and beauty and I like deep questions and conversations. I do like to play with fashion and beauty though as a way of therapy and self expression.

So for today: this question. Why are people so obsessed with money and power? Thinking of presidents like Trump, celebrities and of course the Kardashians. They have a lot of money and many people look up to those kind of celebrities and star. Will money and power make you feel powerful or is this something else? Why do people look up to rich people? Or why did I always looked up to these people when I was younger? Why does the youth like to become powerful and rich? Why is there not more attention for sweet, kind people and values in life. Become a person of value.

The obsession with money and power can be attributed to a combination of psychological, societal, and evolutionary factors:

Here are the facts: 

  1. Survival Instincts: From an evolutionary perspective, humans have evolved to prioritize resources such as food, shelter, and security for survival. Money and power are perceived as means to acquire and control these resources, thereby fulfilling basic needs and ensuring survival. This instinctual drive for self-preservation can lead individuals to prioritize the accumulation of wealth and influence.
  2. Social Comparison and Status: Humans are social beings who naturally engage in comparison with others to evaluate their own standing within society. Money and power are often equated with status and social hierarchy, leading individuals to compete for higher socioeconomic positions. The desire for social recognition, admiration, and respect can fuel the pursuit of wealth and power as symbols of success and achievement.
  3. Sense of Security and Control: Money and power provide individuals with a sense of security, autonomy, and control over their lives and circumstances. Having financial resources can offer protection against unforeseen hardships, while wielding power allows individuals to influence outcomes and exert authority over others. The pursuit of money and power may stem from a desire to mitigate uncertainty and maintain control in an unpredictable world.
  4. Cultural and Societal Influences: Societal norms, values, and cultural narratives often glorify wealth and power, portraying them as markers of success, happiness, and fulfillment. Media portrayals of affluent lifestyles, celebrity culture, and narratives of achievement reinforce the notion that money and power equate to personal worth and happiness. Individuals may internalize these messages and aspire to emulate the perceived benefits associated with wealth and influence.
  5. Psychological Needs: Maslow’s hierarchy of needs posits that humans have innate psychological needs, including esteem and self-actualization, which can be fulfilled through the acquisition of money and power. Achieving financial success or attaining positions of authority can boost self-esteem, instill a sense of accomplishment, and provide opportunities for personal growth and fulfillment.
  6. Institutional and Systemic Influences: Economic systems and societal structures can perpetuate the pursuit of money and power by rewarding individuals who amass wealth and wield influence. Capitalist economies, for instance, incentivize competition, entrepreneurship, and wealth accumulation, often resulting in disparities of wealth and power. Institutionalized systems of privilege and inequality may further reinforce the pursuit of financial and social advantages.
  7. Psychological Incentives: The pursuit of money and power can be driven by psychological incentives such as dopamine release and the anticipation of rewards. The prospect of financial gain or social recognition activates reward centers in the brain, triggering feelings of pleasure and motivation. This neurological response can reinforce behaviors associated with wealth acquisition and power attainment.

Overall, the obsession with money and power is a complex phenomenon shaped by evolutionary instincts, societal influences, cultural norms, psychological needs, and systemic factors. While the pursuit of financial success and social status is inherent to human nature, individuals may vary in the extent to which they prioritize these goals and the means by which they seek to achieve them. Understanding the underlying motivations and influences can shed light on why some people are driven to pursue money and power at all costs.

mandy b.
mandy b.https://iammandyb.com
Founder, owner, writer Iammandyb.com & artistheat.com (coming up this summer)
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