How to wear a red lipstick?




Red lipstick is a classic beauty statement that has transcended trends and eras, symbolizing confidence, glamour, and a touch of boldness. However, the art of wearing red lipstick goes beyond simply applying color to your lips; it involves choosing the right shade, mastering application techniques, and ensuring a cohesive look. In this guide, we explore the key steps to help you confidently wear red lipstick and make a striking impression.

  1. Choose the Right Shade:

Selecting the perfect red lipstick is the first and crucial step. Reds come in various undertones, ranging from cool blue-based reds to warm orange-based reds. The key is to find a shade that complements your skin tone. Fair skin often pairs well with blue-toned reds, while medium to dark skin tones can opt for warmer reds. Experiment with different shades to discover the one that enhances your natural features.

  1. Prepare Your Lips:

For a flawless application, start with smooth, well-hydrated lips. Exfoliate your lips using a gentle scrub to remove any dry or flaky skin. Follow up with a moisturizing lip balm to create a smooth canvas for the lipstick. Allow the balm to absorb before moving on to the next step.

  1. Use a Lip Liner:

To prevent feathering and define the shape of your lips, use a lip liner in a shade close to your chosen red lipstick. Outline your lips, starting from the cupid’s bow and working outward. For a fuller look, slightly overline the lips, but be cautious not to exaggerate.

  1. Apply the Lipstick:

Once your lips are prepped and outlined, it’s time to apply the red lipstick. Use a lip brush for precision or apply directly from the tube, starting at the center of your lips and working outward. Take your time and build the color gradually to avoid mistakes. For a more defined look, use a small concealer brush to clean up the edges.

  1. Blot and Set:

After applying the lipstick, gently blot your lips with a tissue to remove excess product. This helps set the color and prevents smudging. For added longevity, dust a translucent setting powder over your lips or use a tissue to press a small amount of powder onto the lips.

  1. Keep the Rest of Your Makeup Balanced:

When wearing red lipstick, it’s essential to keep the rest of your makeup balanced. Opt for neutral eye makeup to avoid overwhelming the look. A classic winged eyeliner or a few coats of mascara can enhance your eyes without competing with the boldness of the red lips.

  1. Consider Your Outfit:

Red lipstick can be a statement accessory, so consider your outfit when wearing it. While it pairs well with both casual and formal attire, the key is to strike a balance. If your outfit is vibrant and colorful, choose a more subdued red, and vice versa. Red lipstick effortlessly elevates any look but finding harmony is key.

  1. Confidence is Key:

The most crucial element in wearing red lipstick is confidence. Own your look and embrace the boldness of the color. Stand tall, smile, and carry yourself with assurance. Red lipstick has the power to boost your confidence and leave a lasting impression.


Mastering the art of wearing red lipstick involves selecting the right shade, preparing your lips, using lip liner, precise application, blotting, setting, balancing your makeup, considering your outfit, and, most importantly, exuding confidence. Red lipstick is a timeless beauty choice that can enhance your features and make a bold statement, so embrace the elegance and power that it brings to your overall look.

mandy b.
mandy b.
Founder, owner, writer & (coming up this summer)
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