The Lifestyle of a Fashion Model: Behind the Glamour




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Maybe as plus size model?

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Fashion models are often seen as the epitome of beauty, grace, and glamour. They walk down the runway in exquisite clothing, appear in glossy magazines, and endorse high-end brands. However, behind the glitz and glamor, there is a different reality. We will delve into the lifestyle of a fashion model, which is sometimes less glamorous than it seems.

The Demands of the Industry

The fashion industry is notorious for its strict beauty standards and demands. Fashion models are often expected to meet these standards, which can be difficult and unhealthy. This section will explore the industry’s specific needs for models.

  • Body Size and Type

One of the most significant demands of the fashion industry is that models have a specific body size and type. The industry favors tall, slim models with particular measurements. Models who fit these standards may need help finding work.

Models may adhere to strict diets and exercise regimes to achieve the desired body type. Many models suffer from eating disorders, such as anorexia and bulimia, as they strive to maintain the perfect body shape. The pressure to keep a specific body type can harm a model’s physical and mental health.

  • Appearance and Grooming

In addition to body size and type, models are expected to have a specific appearance and grooming. Models must often have clear skin, healthy hair, and symmetrical facial features. They must also keep their nails, teeth, and skin in top condition.

To maintain their appearance, models may invest significant time and money in grooming and beauty treatments. They may have to get regular facials, haircuts, and manicures and use expensive skincare and beauty products. This can be a significant financial burden for models, especially those just starting.

  • Work Schedule and Travel

Fashion models often have a busy work schedule, with little time for rest or relaxation. They may have to work long hours, attend multiple castings, and travel frequently. The pressure to be available at all times can be overwhelming and exhausting.

Moreover, frequent travel can be physically and emotionally taxing. Models may have to adjust to different time zones, cultures, and climates, which can be stressful. They may also have to deal with jet lag, affecting their performance and overall health.

The Reality of Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery is a common practice in the fashion industry. Many models undergo plastic surgery to enhance their looks, fix imperfections, or meet the beauty standards set by the industry. This section will explore the reality of plastic surgery for fashion models.

  • The Pressure to Look Perfect

The fashion industry places significant pressure on models to look perfect. Models are often expected to have flawless skin, symmetrical features, and a specific body type. Plastic surgery is a way to achieve these standards and maintain a competitive edge in the industry.

Moreover, social media has amplified this pressure, with models sharing their perfect bodies and looks online. This has created an unrealistic standard of beauty, which has led many models to seek out plastic surgery to achieve this ideal.

  • The Risks of Plastic Surgery

While plastic surgery can help improve one’s appearance, it has risks. Many models have suffered complications or adverse effects from plastic surgery, such as infection, scarring, or even death. Moreover, the pressure to maintain a specific appearance can lead to a dependence on plastic surgery, which can be detrimental to one’s physical and mental health.

Furthermore, plastic surgery can create a false sense of self-worth and self-esteem. Models may believe that their looks are the only thing that matters, which can lead to a lack of confidence in other areas of their lives. This can create a cycle of dependency on plastic surgery as models seek more procedures to maintain their appearance.

The Impact on Personal Relationships

The impact of plastic surgery can also extend to a model’s relationships. Some models may find that their partners or loved ones object to their decision to undergo plastic surgery. Others may feel they need to keep their plastic surgery a secret, which can create a lack of trust and communication in relationships.

Moreover, constant scrutiny and criticism can affect a model’s self-esteem, confidence, and relationships. The pressure to always look good can lead to a lack of relationship authenticity and connection.

Fashion modeling can have a significant impact on personal relationships. The demands of the industry, such as frequent travel and long hours, can make it difficult for models to maintain personal relationships. Moreover, the constant scrutiny and pressure to maintain a specific appearance can affect a model’s self-esteem and confidence, impacting their relationships. In this section, we will explore the impact of fashion modeling on personal relationships.

  • Lack of Time for Relationships

Models often have a busy work schedule, making it challenging to maintain personal relationships. They may have to travel frequently or work long hours, leaving little time for socializing or spending time with loved ones.

Moreover, the unpredictable nature of the industry can make it challenging to plan or make commitments. Models may have to cancel plans at the last minute, leaving their loved ones feeling neglected or disappointed.

  • Impact on Self-Esteem and Confidence

The constant scrutiny and pressure to maintain a specific appearance can significantly impact a model’s self-esteem and confidence. Models may feel their worth is tied to their looks, leading to a lack of confidence in other areas of their lives. This can create a cycle of dependency on their appearance and lead to a lack of authenticity and connection in personal relationships.

Moreover, constant comparisons to other models can also affect a model’s self-esteem. Models may need to improve or compete with their peers to succeed. This can create a sense of isolation and distance in personal relationships, as models may think they cannot be their authentic selves around others.

  • Impact on Trust and Communication

The pressure to maintain a specific appearance can also affect a model’s relationships, creating a lack of trust and communication. Models may feel they must keep their appearance a secret or hide their insecurities from their loved ones. This can create a lack of confidence and intimacy in personal relationships, as models may feel that they cannot be vulnerable or authentic around others.

Moreover, constant criticism and scrutiny can also affect a model’s communication skills. Models may be used to receive feedback harshly or critically, which can create a defensive or closed-off communication style. This can create a need for more understanding and connection in personal relationships.


In conclusion, the lifestyle of a fashion model is less glamorous than it seems. The demands of the industry can take a toll on a model’s physical and mental health, and the pressure to maintain a specific appearance can lead to unhealthy practices, such as plastic surgery. Moreover, the impact on personal relationships can be significant. It is essential to recognize the realities of the fashion industry and to promote a healthy and sustainable approach to beauty and fashion.


mandy b.
mandy b.
Founder, owner, writer & (coming up this summer)
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